I work part-time, have 2 teenage girls, have a husband that travels and our family just goes. The family has enjoyed more of the DH’s travels by accompanying him on some of his jaunts. Lola spent 3 days in downtown Chicago while DH was in meetings. I was a little hesitant to let the 17 y/o loose in downtown Chicago…but she graduates in the spring. After 3 days in downtown, they came out to the suburbs where MJJR and I met them for another couple days. We managed to get the school shopping done, except MJJR’s long pants. Every time she puts on a pair of pants they are too short. We decided to wait until we are into cooler weather and they might last more than 3 months. Both of the girls are now as tall as MOM! And both have bigger feet.

The sewing machine has run but not much recently. I quilted up a pair tops back in April. A friend had a pair of grandbabies coming. We finished the quilts and she moved to Florida to be closer to the family. More power to her.
We spent some time in Indiana looking at more colleges. Applications open next month. MJJR was pleased we fit in a WNBA game while in Indianapolis.
I am working on another pair of socks.

I am hoping to post more frequently.
Just Another Quilter