"A Star in the Sky" is now in the top stage. The top has been set aside and "Sunday Morning" is now the focus. The quilt was layered up last month. Yesterday the quilting was started. It always takes some time for the quilt to talk when quilting is the topic.
The quilting chosen came from a recent library check out. The library is a great source for both inspiration and knowledge.
This CD-ROM "Helen's Mix & Match Quilting Patterns" has lots of great shapes. You can see the shape chosen. There are 5 or 6 different sizes of each shape that can be printed out. Traced onto card stock this can be flipped, mirrored and used partially in the areas needed.
Here you can see that the shape is mirrored and a simple tic-tac-toe pattern connects the 2 patterns together.
Here is the part that connects the two units together on the outside of the "block". A drink coaster worked great for the arches and a few circles and teardrops fill the space nicely. After setting this aside for a few weeks, it is time to get cracking and finish something. I also love how the quilting is going to be even across the space without heavy thread build up in areas. This area above is the most dense area. It won't feel like you are sitting on a rock due to the quilting and seams.
Go check out what others are working on....Judy L. has the list.