After a year and a is ready for binding.
This is the quilt I said I would not make.....

This is the quilt I said I would not make.....
Do you recognize it? It is different than others you have seen. I changed the background to black and shifted some colors. Oh! and 1 sashing difference.

It is "En Provence". Bonnie Hunter's 2016 mystery.
Why wouldn't I make it? Enough projects were going. Didn't have time, high school senior, just plain ole too much going on.
Why did I change my mind?
The scrap crystal quilt was using many of the same size and colors. Might as well just run some of the mystery stuff through the machine. So glad I did. I just love both quilts.
Recently had the opportunity to take a Bonnie class in St. Charles, IL
Here's Bonnie's take
Coming soon....progress on Cathedral Stars. So excited that I had the opportunity to take this class with a newer friend, Shawn. Definitely a good new friend. She so kindly put me up after the Bonnie class. This was needed since DH has now retired and we have moved out of the temporary housing. It is so nice to be back in our own house. I will dearly miss all the new knitting and quilty friends from the Chicagoland area.
Keep may just swing to the quilty side. Reporting here should happen more frequently.
Just Another Quilter, Jane