Monday, February 8, 2010

The First Quilt

The question has been posed what is your first quilt. My grandmother quilted, but like many families it skipped a generation. My mothersewed and would keep me out of her hair by having me trace around squares made from a cereal box. I cut out the squares and sewed them together. The fabric I used is leftovers from the clothing my mother made me. It is every thing from corduroy, polyester and even some older prints. How this piece didn't end up in the trash or charity box is beyond me.

My mom's machine included a "CAM" system. This was how you made the fancy stitches back in the 1970's. These CAM's were used to finish the edge of the piece. The stitching is so nicely done that it overlaps and has 2 rows of stitching for about 6 inches. It is precious and shows my tender age of 10 or under. Rug yarn was used to tie the quilt. This was my first quilt. Many years passed and as adulthood set in I picked up sewing again. Here is a small wall hanging made in the early 1990's. I copied a piece I purchased, made to match the colors that were needed for the room. I had yet to hear of the 1/4" seam. I could not understand why mine looked so different from the purchased one. Where did my points go to?

Both of these pieces are in my sew room. The doll quilt hangs on the wall mounted TV stand and the second one is on the wall next to my sewing machine. The Celtic pieces I have been working on and are kept safe by sticking to the small wall hanging. Someday, maybe the family will appreciate these pieces for where one starts when one chooses a new hobby.


Happy quilting to you from

Just Another Quilter


  1. I like your post today about the quilt, and I know it mean a lot to you, I never had a sewing machine with the cam but the lady I work with had one and she really like it ,she still has it. Happy sewing ! HAVE A GRAT DAY!

  2. Bravo! I'm glad you took the challenge!

    Your first quilt has more structure than mine. LOL. The decorative stitches are a nice touch.

    My second quilt (made as a teenager), is a pillow, which I had given to my grandparents, my Mom found it, and gave it back to me. And I haven't posted anything about my first quilt made as an adult.

    Great job!


  3. A very nice "first" quilt, especially for a mere child! Your wall hangings are nice too, and certainly worthy of display.
    In the early 1970's, I paid $50 at a garage sale for a used Elna machine with cams. I loved all the fancy stitches. I still have the machine though I haven't used it in years. I need to check it out! ---"Love"

  4. Your first quilt may not be as beautifully coordinated as those we see in quilt shows, but like many of the other first quilts I've seen from our APQ group, it tells a fantastic story. I'm sure you can remember wearing many of those clothes, but if not, you do have the memory of working along side your mom while she made them. I wonder if maybe your mom knew the worth of the quilt and kept it, hoping you'd see it's value one day? I think you have and it's great that you shared it and your story with us.

  5. Well, I like it! Not bad for your age at the time. I am very interested in your Celtic pieces though. I love Celtic designs but have not yet figured out how to do them. Any pointers?

  6. You did a great job on your first quilt. Kind of like a fabric scrapbook of that time in your life. The most creative I got at that age was making lanyards and coasters at day camp.
    Glad you are quilting now.
    Your celtic piece is great. I would like to try that sometime.
    Thanks for sharing your quilt and your story!

  7. Thanks for sharing your first quilt story. What lovely memories are attached to it. My mother had a CAM sewing machine - an Empisal - and I learned to sew on it. I really like your Celtic knot piece. Happy Stitching, Ann :-)

  8. Thanks for sharing your first quilt and its story. I wasn't doing anything of that sort when I was ten! Your wall quilts are very sweet too - and just think how far you've come from "where did my points go?" to that stunning King! I love your celtic piece, please show us more :)

  9. Thank you for sharking your first quilt story! You've come so far since the first quilt (I smiled at the points story- I think we've all been there). I can't wait to see your next creation :) Christine

  10. There is something about those poly/cordoroy quilts that makes them loveable.
    Nice piece;)
    Happy Quilting!!
