Monday, December 23, 2013

Design Wall Monday 12/23/13

Well, last week after having the sewing machine pedal to the metal….this quilt top came off the design wall.DSC02730 (754x1024)
I love how it turned out.  Canuck Quilter will be putting the pattern up for sale shortly.  Please leave me a comment if you are interested in being notified when this happens. 
I am the type of person that can figure out how a quilt goes together, cutting sizes and just putting things together in general.  The directions are not what I would have come up with had I tried to piece this without a pattern.  You want this look…get the pattern.
We have company from last week until Christmas day.  Mom & Step-Dad left this morning and Dad arrives this afternoon.  Time to swap the guest room.  This means that my design wall looks like this….DSC02732 (768x1024)
With all the company here, it wasn’t time to start something new.
That doesn’t mean that the sew room is pulling one to come in…..DSC02733 (1024x768)
This is what one of the spare bed looks like.  Good thing no one needs it this holiday season.
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And the floor.
Mom and I spent the evening going through and trying to organize.  It makes it so much easier to design if things are neat.  Folding and organizing is so much more fun when Mom is around.  Our next opportunity to visit in person is probably 3-6 months away. 
How much did we accomplish….DSC02735 (768x1024)
This was a mess before.  DH sat for awhile while the work was in progress. 
DH:  That piece is new.
Me: Yep.  (Yep, you haven’t seen it but it is almost 9 months old.  Be sure the next fabric is one that he has seen.)
Well, off to change the sheets.
Stop back over to Judy’s Patchwork Times and see the other Design Walls.
Just Another Quilter


  1. Beautiful quilt. The lattice border is perfect.

  2. The border is amazing!!! Love that quilt.
    Your fabric is looking beautiful and so organized. Lucky for me I could fold fabric in the same room as DH and he would not even know what I was doing let alone if it was new fabric or not.

  3. That is one sharp looking quilt! I would love to know when the pattern is ready.

  4. I love that border more every time I see it. I might have to purchase that pattern... As for hubby's helping...mine won't set foot into my sewing room unless he absolutely must, so I'm happy to be in no danger of being questioned about when I got any of my fabric! (Though I do wish he'd act a little less like he might catch a deadly disease from what I do...)

  5. The borders really makes that quilt! Love it! So, confession time, my sewing room is still in the *before* stage. Since you are now experienced in rectifying this issue any chance you can pop 'round and sort out mine?

  6. Such a fantastic quilt! I love the sashings and borders, and all those little squares were no small fete, I'm sure! After seeing your "clutter" pictures, I took a look at my sewing closet and decided I better get busy. Mine's a bigger mess than that! ---"Love"

  7. Your quilt came out great! I am testing it for her too and hope to get mine finished in the next couple of days. So fun to see how they are coming out.
